Concept Chat App

yellow note cards forming a green speech bubble with yellow crumbled paper forming an ellipse
My role
Branding, Digital Design, Web Design, Web Development
technology used
Figma, Adobe After Effects, Webflow
A concept chat app that removes blue light and is easier on the eyes. It solves some of f.lux's inconvenient features when using chat applications.
Night time exposure to blue light from our screens makes it harder to sleep. f.lux solves that issue by reducing the amount of blue light coming from your screen. f.lux is great but I've always found it inconvenient to manually set which apps I want it to affect. The design for this concept app was inspired by this issue. People stay up late chatting so I decided to create a landing page for a concept chat app that mimics the effects of f.lux. I chose a color palette that symbolizes nature and warmth. I created all the graphics, including the chat animation on the web page, from scratch.
I created a landing page for this idea that includes all the necessary Call to Actions required to generate leads. In the future I plan to create more pages.
color palette and typography system
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